Saturday, 1 June 2013

Flourished & Sunkissed Take Two

It can sometimes be hard for me to admit just how much I love being in Australia. It's almost as though there's a genetic predisposal within New Zealanders to harbor a little animosity towards our big brother across the ditch (oh wait...). I know, I know, I can be a walking contradiction when it comes to how I feel about Aus, but at the end of the day, when I think of Australia I think of afternoons spent like this one, and that's pretty special to me.

In the last few months I've watched Uppy work alongside Mel and have just been itching to be able to do so myself. Better yet, work alongside the pair of them. We planned to shoot two outfits and while the other two were complaining about how crap Australian bush looks (I won't argue with them), the light was really gorgeous and I think we got some great stuff. 

The first look we shot was very Claire Standish in my opinion, something that I think we should all aspire to be at least one day of the week. Mel's full blog post on this look can be found here. Also note that all of these photos were edited by the talented UppyPhoto; please check her stuff out!

Her second look was much more, as she puts it, "a-la John Cusack in Say Anything". I don't know how we ended up with two 80s movies references but hey, I ain't complaining. While our first photos were taken just before golden hour really hit, our second batch was just as the light settled into twilight. Though golden hour is undoubtedly my favourite part of the day, I have to say I'm really warming to the light that follows it and I think it's incredibly underrated. Once again, Uppyphoto edited these shots (as I was too busy boarding a flight home to do so) and she hit the nail on the head with the tones she got. You can also find Mel's full blog post on the outfit here. I'm lucky to be surrounded by such talented people.

Unedited outtake
This series will likely be the last of my uploads for my time in Australia. 
I'll see you before the year is out, Aus.


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